Thursday, December 25, 2008

Caleb's First Christmas

Caleb loving on Elmo
Not too fond of the hat...

Obviously, this was one of the most memorable Christmases ever!  Caleb is absolutely the best gift we could have ever received this year and we are so incredibly blessed that God chose us to be his parents.  How amazing!  We had the best day and Caleb was ready to start the festivities EARLY this morning.  He woke up at 4:50 am (after going to bed at 10:30) and he was ready to rip from the beginning.  I thought I'd be able to get away with not letting him open gifts until everyone got up and Patrick got home from work at 7 am, but that was wishful thinking on my part.  Caleb spotted Elmo and went crazy!  He immediately went towards it and started "talking" to it.  I had to let him open it!  He loves Elmo and it was super cute to see his little reaction to it.  Santa was very good to Caleb this year, but we're definitely going to have to talk to him about assembling the gifts BEFORE he drops them off next year.  It's not fun having to put them together while little hands are trying to play with him.  Obviously Santa didn't know what he was doing this year:)  

Today is also an important date for Patrick and I.  Eight years ago today, Patrick proposed to me.  It's so hard to believe that 8 years has already passed.  It seems like yesterday.  Time flies when you're having fun and when you enjoy the one you're with!  

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families and spent some time reflecting on the true meaning of this holy day!  We are so proud and happy that we serve an awesome God and that we can freely honor this day and the birth of Jesus!


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