Saturday, August 22, 2009

Beach Trip 2009

Caleb getting ready to hit the beach

Recently, we took a trip to Panama City Beach; well, Caleb and I did.  Patrick had to work so he stayed behind.  We had a GREAT time hanging out with family and just chillaxin by the pool and at the beach.  Caleb liked the beach much better this year than last year and we're convinced we have the next Michael Phelps as a son (minus the whole marijuana thing).  Caleb is a natural swimmer and has NO FEAR of the water.  Swimming lessons are definitely in the near future!  Thank you Aunt Pat and Uncle "Honey" for a fabulous time and for inviting us along.  We had a blast and can't wait to go again!


"Home" Sweet Home

Inside view of den from front door
Side View
the Hamilton's new home

Here are some pictures of our new "home" in Birmingham.  Yes, we know it's slightly smaller than our Louisville house (okay, it's A LOT smaller), but it is very cozy and welcoming on the inside.  It is conveniently located to a lot of area attractions; we are only 1 mile from the Birmingham Zoo and Botanical Gardens and the lovely statue of Vulcan is practically mooning us!   It has been an adjustment living in a smaller area, but it's been humbling as well!  We are very blessed and have no complaints with what the Lord has provided!  

the Hamilton's

Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Madness...

Wow!  I just looked at the date since our last post...has it REALLY been that long?!  We have been super busy and I apologize.  

The big news here is that WE'RE MOVING SOUTH Birmingham, AL.  Our house sold after only 4 days on the market and we're thinking the move will take place before  August 1. Patrick will be working in the inner city of Birmingham as a church planter and is super excited about it!  He has a big heart for the inner city and it will be great for him to get involved with the people there again.  He has not finished seminary yet...he will graduate next May.  He can finish his degree online and may have to travel to Louisville once or twice after the move for a class or two.  Not a big deal.  I graduated in May with my Masters and I am SO relieved it's over.  It was very difficult to be a student, a wife, and a mother!   

Caleb is growing like a weed and is now talking and running.  His favorite words are:  hot, ouch, uh-oh, mama, dada, ball, and cat.  He will point to his body parts when asked and he LOVES to throw trash in the trash can.  Sometimes items that aren't trash end up there;)  He continues to be the light of our lives and he is so much fun to be around.  He is really laid back and just seems to enjoy life.  

We will keep you posted with the move as the day gets closer.  And yes, I need to post some new pictures soon.  Keep us in your prayers!

 the Hamilton's

Monday, April 20, 2009


Here are some recent pictures of Caleb...he is quite the ham with the camera.  Needless to say, but we are very entertained by him!

Caleb playing at Brown Park
Easter Sunday 
Enjoying the Nashville Zoo

Catching Up...

Caleb dancing in the yard on Easter!

We have been super busy here and things FINALLY seem to be winding down!  I finished student teaching and am just waiting til graduation day (May 9).  Patrick is almost done with this semester and is working furiously to get his last paper done!  

Caleb is doing AMAZING!  He had his big developmental assessment last week and he is right where he should be for a 12-15 month old (12 months is his adjusted age, so they still use his adjusted age for developmental milestones).  He is, however, definitely a 15 month old on the gross motor development scale (he scored in the 93 percentile).  The child LOVES to walk and has recently discovered that he can run!  He enjoys going up and down stairs and is just so full of himself!  His two favorite words are "dada" and "mama".  He will shake his head no when he doesn't want something and he is enjoying learning to use a sippy cup!  He is now on whole milk and the transition from formula to milk went beautifully.  So, he's pretty much doing everything toddlers his age do!  

He also had his 15 month checkup and his pediatrician is "very impressed" with his growth and overall development.  He weighs 22 lbs 2 oz and is 30" long.  He is still only in the 25th percentile for height and weight, but he's definitely catching up (during his last visit, he was only in the 10th percentile).  He's definitely moving in the right direction!

Enjoy the recent pics of Caleb!  As you can see, he is quite the ham for the camera!

 Patrick, Kasey, and Caleb


Saturday, March 14, 2009

These Feet Were Made For Walking...

CALEB IS WALKING!  We are trying to upload video and as soon as we can, we'll post it!  He is making excellent progress, although he's still a little unsteady.  We are so happy and so tired...chasing him around the house has added a whole new dynamic of parenting that we weren't used to!  He even pitched a fit at the mall today because we wouldn't let him climb up the stairs!  Did we mention he's getting a temper too?!  He'll be 14 months old next week...time flies when you're having fun!  


Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Pictures

He is very friendly and waves at everybody!  What a ham...
Caleb LOVES to swing at the park!
This one was taken at the beginning of January while we were at the Newport Aquarium.  It's one of our favorites!

Here are some new/recent pictures of Caleb.  He now weighs a whopping 22 lbs 6 oz...and our backs and arms can tell that he's gained weight!!  He is so much fun now and wants SO badly to walk on his own.  He'll walk behind his push toy and hold on to our fingers, but isn't quite brave enough to do it on his own yet.  We know that day is right around the corner and we have "baby-proofed" the house as much as possible!  He definitely keeps us on our toes!  He is so much fun to be around and he makes us laugh everyday!  It's so hard to believe he's 13 months old already.
