Saturday, March 14, 2009

These Feet Were Made For Walking...

CALEB IS WALKING!  We are trying to upload video and as soon as we can, we'll post it!  He is making excellent progress, although he's still a little unsteady.  We are so happy and so tired...chasing him around the house has added a whole new dynamic of parenting that we weren't used to!  He even pitched a fit at the mall today because we wouldn't let him climb up the stairs!  Did we mention he's getting a temper too?!  He'll be 14 months old next week...time flies when you're having fun!  



CC said...

Yea for Caleb!!! I'm excited that he's now mobile and independent - now you get to start with the two year old attitude! ;)

Amy said...

Awesome... he needs to come over and show Asher how to do it!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Casey!! I can't believe Caleb is walking!! I can't believe we live in the same city and I haven't seen you in months! Let's plan to get Caleb and Callie together soon. Are you guys going out of town for spring break? I am going to give you a call.


Anonymous said...

Yay! congrats! I was thinking of you guys and wondering if he had started walking yet. LOL on the tempers and such. It's a FUN age, though. I actually think it's my favorite age. Like 12-17 months. Glad you are having fun with him. He's such a cutie.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the above post is from Melissa Matsumoto. :0)