Monday, December 15, 2008

New Blog

Our family blog now has a new home.  Our other blog site is about to expire and the current budget/economic crisis prevents us from paying for another year's subscription:)  So...we decided to try the FREE blog (we get excited about free things).  It also helps that we are both done with classes for the semester, so we now have free time to actually post an update!  We KNOW we have been lax with the postings and for that we apologize.  We will be more faithful with the blog in 2009, as we know lots of good and exciting things will be happening and we'll want to keep everyone in the loop!    

Things continue to go well with Caleb and he just amazes us everyday.  It seems that with each passing day he learns something new (right now it's spitting and trying to talk).  He is still growing like a weed!  He is now 19 pounds and wearing 12 month clothes.  If someone would have told us back in January that Caleb would weigh this much and fit in big clothes, we would have laughed at them.  Needless to say, we are VERY thankful that Caleb is doing so well and has had no significant issues or setbacks since being home with us.  God is good!  

We are trying to prepare for our first Christmas as a family.  So far, Caleb has shown little interest in the tree or the general festivities of the season.  We are sure, however, that Christmas morning will be a fun day for him simply because he'll get to play with all of the wrapping paper.  The child is obsessed with ANYTHING that makes a crinkle sound (newspapers, aluminum foil, cereal bags, etc).  We are looking forward to spending this Christmas with extended family as well.  Granddaddy (Patrick's dad) is coming up for a visit next weekend and then my family is coming up Christmas Eve.  We are very excited and we're hoping Caleb will get excited too:)  

We do have some super cute pictures of Caleb underneath the Christmas tree and as soon as we can figure out how to post them, we will do it!  



Anonymous said...


Banana Queen

Unknown said...

I love the December picture of Caleb with his big smile. That picture is a blow up and frame one. I am glad Caleb had a great Christmas! Happy New Year!